family hiking days are great. though an irresponsible having of a fire, it was full of laughs and good times. Not just a hike occurred on sunday, but another great family time at the moberly house complete with wii, the moberly family and friends, enchiladas, salty guacamole, and of course, the best game of scattergories. You really realize how funny every human can be with that game.
Okay so, my talent in procrastinating is coming back again, and i really need to not do that. My principal has told me that i won't graduate this year, crushing my hopes within the 2 minutes i talked to her. but i'd really like to prove her wrong, not for the sake of proving her wrong, but for the sake that i will graduate and not have to do high school another year. Prayer for my devotion to continue in working hard and endurance through school and the rest of the way i spend my time would be appreciated. So that I don't become more lazy than I am now. I realized this morning how incredibly lucky I am to have what I have. My friends, my family, and everything. I know that all that I have belongs to the lord, and I am so thankful for that.