Friday, November 28, 2008

He is so compelling

This is by John Piper

"I simply want to make sure you hear the best news in the world. Jesus said he spoke so that we would have peace (John 16:33). And Paul said that faith comes by hearing the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). You don’t feel this right now. But God says peace and faith come from hearing.

In other words, moving from not seeing and feeling the reality of Christ to seeing and feeling the reality of Christ happens through hearing news about Christ. Something happens. At one moment, you are not seeing him as beautiful and satisfying and compelling. Then in the next moment, you are.

In the moments leading up to this experience, listening to God’s word seems empty and futile. That doesn’t put me off. If you doubt what I am saying, you are the very person who needs to hear what I am saying."

He wrote that as advice for what kind of things to say to the depressed, doubting, skeptical, confused, and angry. I think though, it's cool to think about. We didnt always have this peace and this faith. Sometimes i think of how i am different from when i wasn't a christian yet, and since i was only up to about 14, i don't really see much difference. But, now i do see how back then, i didn't see God as beautiful, satisfying and compelling. In church, reading the Bible wasn't...magical or beautiful or heart wrenching. Then, i guess one day I really listened to the gospel, i mean really listened for the first time, and it got me. And the things that for so many years seemed so boring and lifeless became so alive and God has proved it so much, it's amazing. 

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