Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008


2 hours to 17 years of being alive. And im out with shannon searching for a reindeer antler on the streets.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

2 days to 17

my sister's here, bitty sent me a birthday present, its cold out, im almost 1 year older.

Friday, November 28, 2008

He is so compelling

This is by John Piper

"I simply want to make sure you hear the best news in the world. Jesus said he spoke so that we would have peace (John 16:33). And Paul said that faith comes by hearing the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). You don’t feel this right now. But God says peace and faith come from hearing.

In other words, moving from not seeing and feeling the reality of Christ to seeing and feeling the reality of Christ happens through hearing news about Christ. Something happens. At one moment, you are not seeing him as beautiful and satisfying and compelling. Then in the next moment, you are.

In the moments leading up to this experience, listening to God’s word seems empty and futile. That doesn’t put me off. If you doubt what I am saying, you are the very person who needs to hear what I am saying."

He wrote that as advice for what kind of things to say to the depressed, doubting, skeptical, confused, and angry. I think though, it's cool to think about. We didnt always have this peace and this faith. Sometimes i think of how i am different from when i wasn't a christian yet, and since i was only up to about 14, i don't really see much difference. But, now i do see how back then, i didn't see God as beautiful, satisfying and compelling. In church, reading the Bible wasn't...magical or beautiful or heart wrenching. Then, i guess one day I really listened to the gospel, i mean really listened for the first time, and it got me. And the things that for so many years seemed so boring and lifeless became so alive and God has proved it so much, it's amazing. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

it seems to be monthly.

so i woke up this morning with a sore throat, a headache, 99.3 temperature and not being able to walk from one room to the other with complete balance. Not to mention the 11 hours of sleep i got, because if i get more than 8 hours the rest of that day is off. It was only a few weeks ago that i had my last fever of 103. I dont know why i get sick so much... 

Friday, November 14, 2008


Fridays are always the most relaxing. This is my funny looking dog, my astute giraffe, and a purple wall that wasnt there yesturday.

Monday, November 3, 2008


This morning i went on a much needed bike ride on the riogrande trail. It was so beautiful

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sarah palin???

oh no wait...thats just christy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

the days...

this right here describes my days. school on the computer and reading my bible switch on and off all day pretty much. i'm not sure if i'll do this computer schooling until i graduate or not, but right now for the time being, it's so great. I've never had this time of solitude where i have nothing else to do except learn things and learn things about God. I feel fortunate that i have this time of peace. It has definitely brought good things. 

Tonight was the movie Expelled at church. I'm not sure how i feel about the film itself, it got me in a weird mood tonight though. I remember in 9th grade I just tried to do perfectly in school and I just thought it would be so great to go to a big time school like harvard or something. It still seems so fun to me, i love diligently seeking to know more about subjects i like. I also like when christians put their minds to learning, and get into the parts of this world where there needs to be clear minded people who know what they believe is the solid truth and can stand firm in politics and things. I think that's why i liked the movie Amazing Grace so much.  And I just watched a biography on Joe Biden and suddam hussein(spelling?), they weren't together in the same biography, that would be funny though. 

Saturday, October 25, 2008


he told me the story of kids smoking 'wheat' while playing video games.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Multimedia message

Good ol' k.p. And some ice coffee while waiting for christy.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


With an unreliable car and 3 boys...only trouble can come from a hiking trip. me, briana, joshua,isaac, and eric went to the jemez, but not a part i've ever been before, it sure was beautiful. anyways...i don't know what to say about life right now other than God's ways are so crazy good and unlike our own and i am a fool to think that I can do things and be satisfied any way else. I have gotten this guilt free peace and things in my life have been dropped out of it and it has been so good. I'm just an open slate i feel... nothing could tie me down. I've come to peace with being patient. And it's good.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

like children know that line, "you'll understand when you're older?" that grown-ups say to little kids and even teenagers? I think we can all agree that looking back on ourselves as little children, we couldn't possibly understand a lot of the things we understand now. I think it's cool how as a Christian, looking back a year ago, heck even 2 months ago, I didn't understand many things that I understand now. As we grow more and more in reading the bible and spending time with Jesus it's crazy how we are given more wisdom and understanding into God's mysteries and given more discernment. And I love how that it is something kind of unexplainable and mysterious and that we can see within ourselves and know its there and just thank God for giving it to us.

Oh i guess i should explain the picture. It really has nothing to do with anything, except maybe growing up. I just found it. I just admire my brother's thriftiness and not conforming to paying a lot of money to purchase a gown. His painting won 1st place at umd too. I'm so proud of him. If you never knew that I look up to him a lot, well, you do now. He's a great man. 

Friday, October 3, 2008


i have a fever of 102 now, its aweful, i am too weak to do anything and now my bones are sore from not doing anything i guess. so no matter what i do, im pretty much in pain. I get a head ache just from watching a movie!i feel like a dead person, the easiest thing t do is close my eyes and lay down all day. how lame is this flesh we're in sometimes

Monday, September 29, 2008

family hikes

family hiking days are great. though an irresponsible having of a fire, it was full of laughs and good times. Not just a hike occurred on sunday, but another great family time at the moberly house complete with wii, the moberly family and friends, enchiladas, salty guacamole, and of course, the best game of scattergories. You really realize how funny every human can be with that game.

Okay so, my talent in procrastinating is coming back again, and i really need to not do that. My principal has told me that i won't graduate this year, crushing my hopes within the 2 minutes i talked to her. but i'd really like to prove her wrong, not for the sake of proving her wrong, but for the sake that i will graduate and not have to do high school another year. Prayer for my devotion to continue in working hard and endurance through school and the rest of the way i spend my time would be appreciated. So that I don't become more lazy than I am now. I realized this morning how incredibly lucky I am to have what I have. My friends, my family, and everything. I know that all that I have belongs to the lord, and I am so thankful for that. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

family get-togethers

'Does it bother you that im doing lick-a-stick right next to you'

Friday, September 19, 2008


i drew joshua. he drew the maniac wearing a veil that's suppose to be me. at least, he will never catch up to me. i mean, look at me go. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

what a world we live in

 I'm so interested and anxious about knowing what my brothers and sisters in Christ are going through across the world, it brings me back to that place where my view of Heaven and God, as far as my human mind can take it, are bigger than ever before, because Heaven and God are huge beyond all comprehension. After Africa last summer, I never wanted to lose that view or let it get smaller. Every now and then I look online to find news about religious things going on. Particularly, I think you should read this one. Most of us know about Gospel for Asia I'm guessing, and since it is kind of involved in this article, I thought you'd be interested. I've admired K.P. for a couple years now, and just reading about him and what he's doing in the news is just crazy...

sweater weather, i can can feel it

funny how this worked out. My sociology teacher decided to start talking about blogging right as I paused it to go post a blog. weird! Well, school has been a bit draining. The six hours normal kids spend in school a day, seeming like most of it your not even doing actual work, I spend every day doing just busy work, writing notes and trying to pass quizzes. Though, it pays off, I'm almost about finished with the first quarter of 11th grade.  It's weird because all of my time in the day is spent doing this, not much else. Is any of this stuff I'm learning even necessary? I don't seem to think so, it'll just feel great to get it all done with since I know I have to at some point. 

This is what I do at 8th grade football games. Pick flowers and enjoy the cold weather. Since not having to go to school, I enjoy things so much more, probably because i'm able to do more things freely and I love being able to have more freedom over my time. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Sitting outside on wednesday nights is always a good idea.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It feels like fall.

I don't know how to do any of this. and blogs are weird. and maybe this picture will scare people to not visit me anymore on here, it's up to you really.